Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kieron- Who I Am

I live life the way I want to. Mom can get drunk all she wants, and call me so that I can drop out of my most important class just for me to pick her up. She'd be slurring the whole way home, and I just hold tightly onto the steering wheel, controlling the feeling of smacking her in the face. She wouldn't remember a single thing besides the pain.
Dad on the other hand was just a whole new story- druggies and his little smokers. Mom probably doesn't even know whether or not he's cheating behind her back. I've seen him with more than one girl a billion times, but I give up. What's the point of saying something, if you're not going to be heard? That's why I don't talk. The bitter silence awakened through childhood, and will stay till the day I die.
School was a pain in the ass. Tough luck. My grades began to drop as I entered high school. I was supposed to graduate last year, but I never really did. I was supposed to be in college. I was supposed to be far away from my parents, where I could find peace, and perhaps find a reason to speak.
I didn't need anyone anymore. I'm who I am, and I guess it's going to stay that way. I didn't need to go to no college. I'll grab those bags and hit the road, and maybe never return. After all, home is where the heart is. And my heart has burned here. This ain't no home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is Really Deep....
    and descriptive, keep writing/interviewing
