Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tis' The Final (Sucky) Draft

     Red is the color of many things. Love, anger, hate and all of these things combined into something magical. Not always is there a happily ever after, not always is there "true love," there's always something that has to come in between. The drama in the world always affects a person in different ways. There are always issues that have to screw things up. But true love cannot burn- it only burns if it isn't meant for it. There's only one love that I've seen that is everlasting. Romeo and Juliet's. They are lovers of such a young age yet cannot seem to think about life another way without each other. Now today, during modern day, people think that they are so much in love that they would do anything for each other. Well…if a person who claims they love their “lover” is in danger and only one person could be saved, would they save that person? No, they rather save themselves. Yet, when you read Romeo and Juliet you can see how deep and how affectionate their love is, compared to the people of modern day.
     Reading Romeo and Juliet for the second time, I was engulfed in a world that didn't seem so vast the first time reading it. I took it as a bunch of young lovers who were stupid and didn't realize what life was and how they were using it. 
     When I read Romeo and Juliet the first time there were very little emotions that immersed in my mind. Romeo- a total idiot who keeps getting depressed just because he can't find true love? Love is different from the way Romeo thinks of it. He falls in love with one girl- then switches his gaze to another, and at the same time expects the girl to love him back, so that he can live happily ever after.  
     Not so much Prince Charming.      
      But one thing I don't understand about Shakespeare's play was why he made it unreal? (MY OPINION!) Is there really some event that ended up being as true as this one? Or was Shakespeare feeling this way when he got married?
      That got me confused, and these are some of the questions I'm trying to unveil when I'm reading Romeo and Juliet again. Hopefully Romeo and Juliet will become a bit clearer and make much more sense.

     After starting to re-read Romeo and Juliet I guess I found out what Shakespeare is trying to say: there's love out there for everyone. Everyone has a soul mate. Everyone will have someone they can't stop thinking about. Maybe the day will be tomorrow or maybe it's today. It's there. And it will come to you...I guess Shakespeare was trying to indicate that in his play, and he emphasized it quite well. But at the same time the same love went for him and his life, so I guess he displays his own life for us to follow and that’s what made Shakespeare’s “romantic,” “tragic,” and “comedic” play something more than just a play- perhaps even a life lesson.

50 POSTS!!! OMFG!!!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Through the brilliant stars
Of the Universe
Beyond the thousand years
Of life

I cant seem to see
Cant see no more

There was once an ache
Inside of me
To reach out to the hand
That would set me free

Yet today I'm all dead
A thirteen year old
Looking all bloody and red
There's that ache again

I want to see
The world
In one instant second
I want to change me.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wat teh heart is ♥

The heart holds hope for a better tomorrow if there isn't a bright day today. It unfolds the tears and anguish that a person can no longer take. It sheds the tears that are so valuable. As every tear rolls down, the heart can't help but make a person think about the bad things. Think about everything that hit it with great impact, that the person can no longer take it. They don't want to see tomorrow just because you ruin their life, making them shed those tears, making them unbottle up, their hearts ripping to pieces, into fragile little pieces. These fragile hearts were probably ripped before you even arrived to screw it all up.

A heart isn't just a symbol of love and friendship ♥. It holds the feelings of every person, whether somebody wants to reveal them or not. There are feelings hurt every second of the day. What happens when feelings are hurt? Tears are shed. Pure hatred is formed into a dark shadow. Unfriendliness rips open through the friendly heart there was once placed in that body. The heart is changed into darker colors. The person can't help but cry every moment of their lives- wondering why they are so hated upon if all they try to do was be friendly? What is wrong with trying to be a good person? At least give them a hand and return their favor. Why go so far out and tell them to get off? Why hurt these fragile people? Why be responsible of breaking these hearts of these people who had been ever so wonderful? These people who would someday be the ones you'd run to! 

WHY? Just have reasons. Good reasons then just being a sicko to mess with someone's feelings- someone's fragile heart!

Think about it...just think.


The blogs that seemed...err...good?

Later this week, I decided to read blogs and finally finish the blog post that had been missing. As I read through the blogs and was able to see what was going on in everyone's minds as they worked their way to writing the best of the best. And I congratulate those I've chosen =]

Olivia Anastasio: I really liked her sonnet about her rose. It kind of was different.... I mean who wants a dead rose? That kinda got my attention, making me read on. I wasn't exactly sure what Olivia wanted to tell us after the rose died. I think that it was either because the rose couldn't take it anymore? But either way, I really liked that sonnet. So great job Olivia =]

Kate Macrae: I liked her incident poem for some reason. When I read it, I just didn't know why I liked that poem. Just that I did like it. (WEIRD!) But I liked it. Don't know what to say.... =O

Words...can hurt...they can hurt terribly.

People assume things far too quickly even if they don't even think about what they're saying and whether or not they understand how it affects someone. Everything terrible you say affects a person- and their heart. The more you add to all the things you say the darker the shade of red turns. The person begins to doubt them self. I mean...I'm always assumed of being things I'm not. My only job is to make a person's day brighter than it is. I make people smile, but some people don't appreciate my job. I hurts me. It really does. Nobody seems to get what goes around in the person's mind when you say something hurtful. 

Nobody wants to be the person being pointed at. 

Then why point the finger?

I'm called names of all types from apparently people whom I thought were easy to get along with. Boy, was I wrong about them being "easy to get along with." Every time I say something, the first word that blurts out of their mouths are: "Why are you talking to me?"

Am I really that dirty? Am I really that useless? You don't like it when people push you away, when people think you're dirt, you're useless. Why do it to these people, who offer their friendliness. I don't get it at points. 

*♥*♥*AWAY FROM ME*♥*♥*

I know many people who can't help but shed a tear every day- helpless and left alone. Fools at school put them down. These sickos put a burden on them that they have to hold. It's really sick the way they hurt a person thinking it's so god damned funny when all their doing is hurting a person. SICKOS! They think that ripping a person's heart to pieces is fun, is a hobby. No way, no freakin' way. There isn't any fun in messing with somebody's heart and mind. There isn't any fun making a person cry- and shedding their tears for reasons that don't really make sense. UNFAIR. Totally unfair. 

Nobody can stop it besides the person who holds the finger. They laugh when they read posts and all these little "lines" talking about the way somebody feels when they're made fun of. They find it funny. But put yourself in the foot of the victim. 

How would you feel?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's...Romeo and Julietttt the moronnnn lovers of kidage (if that makes sense)

        Red is the color of many things. Love, anger, hate and all of these things combined into something magical. Not always is there a happily ever after, not always is there "true love," there's always something that screws it up.
         True love cannot burn- it only burns if it isn't meant for it. There's only one love that I've seen that is everlasting. Romeo and Juliet's. They are lovers of such a young age yet cannot seem to think about life another way without each other. Now today, during  modern day, people think that they are so much in love that they would do anything for each other. Well...if  there was only enough time for one person to escape a fire or something tragic I highly doubt that anyone would try to save their lover. Hell no, they rather save themselves. Yet, when you read Romeo and Juliet you can see how deep and how affectionate their love is. 
        Romeo sees Juliet, assuming she's dead, and commits suicide so that they could once again be with each other. You tell me now, who would ever kill themselves just to be with the person they assume their ever so in "love" with. Good luck, folks. Most people won't dare to risk their life for the one they assume that they "love."
        Now, when I think about it, and when I speak to people of all races and gender I can't help but think that the love that had awakened between Romeo and Juliet seemed unreal. Now that's my opinion, because to me and to many people who agree they seem to think that true love is a myth. It might be as well. Who thinks that the person they are "dating" will last longer than after school ends? Uh, don't think so. 
        Are fairies real? Would you act like a total idiot to go out and find a fairy so that she'll grant you your three wishes? Er, no, because you know there are no such thing as fairies and that there aren't wishes. The fairy will always come to you, if you deserve the wishes, it won't come if you don't. The same- in my opinion goes for true love similar to Romeo and Juliet, they didn't search deeply. Well, Romeo did, but Juliet had no mind of thinking about falling in love or getting married. Look how it approached her, the blazing heat of love, and affected her brain. The only thing on her mind is...Romeo. The only thing on Romeo's mind is...Juliet.  You understand now, how strange this book seems? 
        Reading Romeo and Juliet for the second time, I was engulfed in a world that didn't seem so vast the first time reading it. I took it as a bunch of young lovers who were stupid and didn't realize what life was.   
        When I read Romeo and Juliet the first time there were very little emotions that immersed in my mind. Romeo- a total idiot who keeps getting depressed just because he can't find true love? Love is different from the way Romeo thinks of it. He falls in love with one girl- then switches his gaze to another, and at the same time expects the girl to love him back, so that he can live happily ever after.  

Not so much Prince Charming. 
        Everything seemed so explicit. The plot in my opinion was very easy to figure out. It was all laid out in front of me, and when that happens, reading that book doesn't seem so much fun.  
       The one thing that made me stagger a bit was the ending. Romeo dies, and then Juliet- believing the love between them had been so authentic, that she decides to kill herself as well, so that they can once again be together. 
That's great. I love the ending. It's not Cinderella.

         But one thing I also don't understand about Shakespeare's play was why he made it unreal? (MY OPINION!) Is there really some event that ended up being as true as this one?
         That got me confused, and that's one of the questions I'm trying to unveil when I'm reading Romeo and Juliet again.Hopefully Romeo and Juliet will become a bit more clearer and make much more sense.
         After starting to re-read Romeo and Juliet I guess I found out what Shakespeare is trying to say: there's love out there for everyone. Everyone has a soul mate. Everyone will have someone they can't stop thinking about. Maybe the day will be tomorrow or maybe it's today. It's there. And it will come to you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

OKAY...TODAY'S SHAKESPEARE... (HARD ONE!!) -_______________-

Of everyone and everything I've read in my life that I am still living in, I cannot decide which person I would think could stand face to face with Shakespeare. (That didn't make any sense but okay...) Because Shakespeare is a writer of plays and sonnets, and I don't think that many people still write sonnets. Plays for sure since that's the reason why Drama is running as a talent at the school. But otherwise than that, I'm really not sure. The following AUTHOR IS just A PERSON who may seem ordinary, but to me HE IS A WRITER that actually inspireS me to write and make a Shakespeare out of myself:

DARREN (FREAKIN') SHAN!- OMG OMG OMG! This guy is supremely amazing. Screw Stephanie Myer and her fake stupid Twilight series when there's this. Plain, classic, and amazing, who cares about Twilight except those little girlies who cant help but read romance since they can't find it in real life. Let me tell you one thing, the first time I picked up Cirque du Freak, my thoughts on vampires and horror changed. Dude, this guy is a genius!! Who can think of a way of turning vampires into something totally brilliant? A boy becoming one, rather than a moron girl who falls in love with one. Hold up a minute...I'm comparing Twilight with Cirque du Freak. Okay, okay...comparing Shan with Shakespeare. AMAZING! They both have a "S" and a "H" in the beginning of their last names. How cool?! Besides that they both were living somewhere in UK! =O Along with that they both had their own perspectives of life and reading. I don't know how this works but Shan had a world full of darkness and horror while Shakespeare's world was probably filled with women, beer, and lots of romance. And add some pretty sparkly rainbow ponies, because apparently Shakespeare's life was full of that "happiness" and "joy."

 But Darren's book caught me at the edge of my seat, and Shakespeare, ew...I even hate the name is nowhere near that. When I read Shakespeare I begin to fall asleep. BORING! Who wants to read Shakespeare if there's another author who's amazing! 


Iz Shakespeare!!!! =O (and his life)

        Shakespeare is somebody who I wasn't interested in knowing more about. But after researching about him for a while I realized how mysterious his birth and death was. Apparently, according to research Shakespeare was born on April 23 and died on April 23 as well. Whoa...right? I mean that's kind of scary. Now the only thing I need to figure out was if it was a natural cause or if he committed suicide or something.

        Okay, death and life are kind of a strange topic, but there are many other things that scared the heck out of me as I researched. Shakespeare was around 17 or 18 when he got married and his wife- Anne Hathaway was 26. That's also something kind of strange, but I guess Shakespeare is like that- after all most of his plays and writing were based on romance, or finding true love out there in that world. So it isn't as freaky knowing he got married at such a young age. Perhaps that was the usual age for a "man"(cough cough) to get married at that age. And even scarier than that his first child was born six months after the marriage. Okay...that's pretty scary. O_______________o

        Besides that, Shakespeare usually performed for his own plays. There was Hamlet- where he liked to act as the ghost, and then it was As You Like It, which we watched last Friday. In that play he liked to act as Adam who is known as: "Adam -  The elderly former servant of Sir Rowland de Bois. Having witnessed Orlando’s hardships, Adam offers not only to accompany his young master into exile but to fund their journey with the whole of his modest life’s savings. He is a model of loyalty and devoted service."

         Moving on....During Shakespeare's day, most of the writers worked during the day, because candles cost a lot during that time. But one of his prized possessions were his beds. One of them his "second best" bed, was given to his wife after he died. Dead long ago, nobody is sure of how, some of the scholars believe a kidney disease, murder or just drinking more than his body could contain.

         Anyways...there's one thing for sure, that Shakespeare was one freaky person, I mean these are just small details of his life, and there already kind of "abnormal" in my perspective. But maybe if I research more there may be something different than what I expect. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reading Response

    Romeo and Juliet

True love will never burn, most love ends up failing but the love that bloomed between Romeo and Juliet is everlasting. There are always heart brakes and aches. There is no such love that exists in our time that compares to the love of Romeo and Juliet. Most people won't dare to risk their life for the one they assume that they "love."
   True love is like a myth. Are fairies real? Would you act like a fool and rush out your front door in a search for a fairy if you know it's fake? You wouldn't- because most of the time in myths such as fairies will approach you. Fairies allow wishes, and you won't be able to go out and find a fairy who will give you wishes.

Same goes with true love or any love. You can never find it- it comes to you.

   Reading Romeo and Juliet for the second time, I was engulfed in a world that didn't seem so vast the first time reading it. I took it as a bunch of young lovers who were stupid and didn't realize what life was. 
   When I read Romeo and Juliet the first time there were very little emotions that immersed in my mind. Romeo- a total idiot who keeps getting depressed just because he can't find true love? Love is different from the way Romeo thinks of it. He falls in love with one girl- then switches his gaze to another, and at the same time expects the girl to love him back, so that he can live happily ever after. 

Not so much Prince Charming.

   Everything seemed so explicit. The plot in my opinion was very easy to figure out. It was all laid out in front of me, and when that happens, reading that book doesn't seem so much fun. 
   The one thing that made me stagger a bit was the ending. Romeo dies, and then Juliet- believing the love between them had been so authentic, that she decides to kill herself as well, so that they can once again be together.

That's great. I love the ending. It's not Cinderella.

   At the same time the ending of Romeo and Juliet makes me wonder about what Shakespeare is trying to say. Is he saying that you may fall in love- believing that it's all very true, to realize it wouldn't last on Earth but maybe in the hereafter? 
   That got me confused, and that's one of the questions I'm trying to unveil when I'm reading Romeo and Juliet again.
   There's love out there for everyone. Everyone has a soul mate. Everyone will have someone they can't stop thinking about. Maybe the day will be tomorrow or maybe it's today. It's there. And it will come to you.